Master Bath Remodel

Build the wall!

And the floors.

We’ve been busy, but also holidays, so you know how it goes.

Since last I posted, J put down the OSB flooring.

Piece by piece.

But, of course, nothing is square or level or plumb in this house. At least not anymore. But It’s not too bad.

Handy work on the smaller pieces.

We’ll still have to do some leveling compound in a few spaces to even out some low spots, especially by the toilet and the shower stall.

Then we took a break for NYE. This is my second year throwing my fancy dinner party for NYE instead of the random Christmas dinner sometime after Christmas.

Prep board is ready.

J gave me the cutting board for Christmas. It is glorious!

Yes, I can set a formal dinner table. K helped after I set up one place so I could get back to the business of prepping.

You’ll remember in my “about” page that I’m also a pretty frugal person. Well, all said, I prepared a 5 course dinner for 7 people for about $120. My friends brought the wine.

Hors D’oeuvres:

  • Bacon Cheese Puffs (never enough, I’m told)
  • Pickled Onion and Mascarpone Canapes

Soup Course:

  • Shrimp Bisque
  • Artisan Bread with Compound Butter

Salad Course:

  • Citrus Fennel Salad

Main Course:

  • Smoked Prime Rib (Standing rib roast – $7.99 at Lucky’s Market!)
  • Steamed Green Beans
  • Roasted Parsnips and Carrots
  • Rosemary Roasted Potatoes


  • Guinness Chocolate Cake with Whipped Ganache Frosting and Fresh Raspberries
  • Coffee with Irish Cream

We ate, drank, and made merry, playing Cards Against Humanity until after midnight. When we all turned into pumpkins and hit the bed.

This past weekend, though, it was all about the drywall. Drywall is difficult. Did I mention nothing is square? But we finally managed to put up a wall!

That’s a lot of holes. But it’s up. This weekend, it’ll be on to getting the shower walls up.

Until next time, carry on, folks!

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